Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Finshed project

I'm a bit late in posting the final details of the Mad Hatter Project but with all the goings on for the launch and then the Blarney in Bloom festival itself it was difficult finding the time. 
On the last day of the workshop in the school we worked with the 3rd & 4th class and took them for the full 2 hours as the 5th & 6th class was unavailable on the day.
This actually worked to our advantage as we could get all of the painting completed in the one day. We also experimented with an attempt at making lampshades using balloons and doilies but this did not work out to plan! The balloons were not strong enough and they were exploding from the merest touch once blown up regardless of how full they were. Seeing as this was not part of the original plans it didn't affect the rest of the project.

It was great to see the students get the chance to get creative with different aspects of the project and there was a very productive table working on the signs that are familiar with the Alice in Wonderland story.

The painting of the hat took on a life of it's own and the finished result developed organically with the students scraping shapes into the thick layers of paint applied that day. 

We were very impressed with all the hard work of all the students of the school, especially during parts of the process that may not have been the most appealing..........applying the glue by hand was not the most popular of activities! The thought of the end goal was enough to keep them focused on the task at hand and there was a lot of excitement building in the school as all of the children would get the chance to see their finished work in place at Blarney when they would all attend the launch for the Blarney in Bloom festival the following Thursday.

It was a thorough pleasure working with all the different ages and abilities for such a continued period of time and hopefully we will be back with the school for some future project.

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